
6-8 slices bacon, diced. I lay them unseperated, on a cutting board and slice them very thinly
1 lb chicken livers, cleaned with yellow fat and fibers removed
1/2 cup brandy
3/4 cup whipping cream
1 large white onion, chopped
1/4 cup mayo
1 tsp dried thyme
1/4 tsp fresh ground nutmeg, scant
S/P to taste. I use lots of pepper.
3/4 cup chopped walnuts, or a bit more if you like the pate crunchy
3-4 tbls chopped fresh parsley
In large iron skillet, fry bacon bits until crisp. Stir constantly until done.
Remove with slotted spoon and set aside. In bacon fat, fry livers on medium-high heat until brown outside but still slightly pink inside. About 5 min. Using slotted spoon, transfer livers to food processor.
Add brandy to skillet, scrape up browned bits. Once skillet is deglazed, add cream. Boil gently until liquid is reduced to about 1 cup. Pour cream mix into food processor. Add onion. Puree until smooth.
Add mayo, thyme, nutmeg, S & P. Process until well blended. Add bacon, walnuts and parsley. Process just until mixed.
Mix will be a bit soupy while still warm. Transfer to container of choice, cover and refrigerate overnight. You can use 2 or 3 small containers like the covered ones I have, or you can put the whole shebang in one open serving dish and cover with plastic wrap, depending on how hungry guests are.
This recipe can be frozen and thawed with excellent results if you want to make it ahead. It's perfect for holiday parties. Or, just to treat yourself when you feel you need it.
