
1 small pork loin roast, either with bone or without
1-2 cups dry sherry
1 large white onion finely chopped
1/2 lb white mushrooms finely chopped
1/2 stick butter
Ground thyme, 1/2 bunch fresh parsley to taste (I use quite a bit but never measure it. More parsley than thyme)
1/2 cup plain bread crumbs
Salt and fresh pepper to taste
1 jumbo egg well beaten
Knorr chicken bouillon cube(s)
Roux of 3 heaping tbls corn starch dissolved in 1/2 cup cool water, with enough Kitchen Bouquet to make it a medium brown color
4 to 5 small russet potatoes, peeled and cut into small chunks
Score top of roast, placing fat side up in a pan with a cover. Cut pockets in meat for dressing. This can be done two ways. If you have a bone-in roast, cut from the top down between rib bones, making certain you leave the bottom half intact so the meat holds together. If you use a boneless loin, slice it almost in half lengthwise so you can fold over the top after placing the dressing inside. Score the thin layer of fat on top of the roast in a diamond cut. Pour half the sherry over meat in roaster.
To prepare dressing: I find it easier to use a food processor to chop up both onions and mushrooms to a fairly fine consistency. (I’ve fed this dressing to people who hate both onions and mushrooms and they never knew what they were eating.) You want about equal amounts of onions and mushrooms.
In a small iron skillet melt butter and soften onion first, then add mushrooms, thyme and parsley, salt and pepper to taste. Stir well and add bread crumbs. Remove from heat. The consistency should be somewhat dry at this point. Adjust bread crumbs accordingly. Once cooled slightly, quickly stir in beaten egg. Remember, you don’t want to cook the egg. It's the liquid binding for the dressing.
Stuff the dressing into the roast. Pour remaining sherry over roast. Then sprinkle paprika (a browning agent) and more thyme over the roast. Place in 350 oven and cover. Bake for 3 hours, basting frequently. After 1 and 1/2 hours, add potatoes for roasting. When the sherry starts to cook away, add one Knorr chicken bouillon cube dissolved in a cup of water to keep enough liquid in roaster so meat, potatoes and dressing steam. Add a second cube if needed. You will require around an inch of liquid to make gravy after the roast and dressing have been removed.
Place pork roast, browned potatoes and dressing in a serving dish and cover to keep hot. Place roaster on stove burner and heat, then add roux and stir constantly, whisking until you deglaze the pan and get a rich, thick brown gravy. Adjust salt and pepper as you blend. Place in gravy boat and serve with roast, potatoes and dressing.
